Filing a trademark application in India involves several necessary documents. Here is a complete list of the documents required:
1. Trademark Application Form (TM-A): This is the primary form that needs to be filled out and submitted.
2. Details of the Applicant:
o Name
o Address
o Nationality
o Legal status (individual, partnership firm, company, etc.)
3. Trademark Details:
o Representation of the trademark (logo, word mark, etc.)
o Description of the trademark
o The class(es) of goods or services for which the trademark is being applied
4. Power of Attorney (Form TM-48): If an agent or attorney is filing the application on behalf of the applicant, a power of attorney is required, duly signed by the applicant.
5. Priority Document: If claiming priority from an earlier filed trademark application in another country, a certified copy of the priority document is needed (if applicable).
6. User Affidavit: If the trademark has been in use before the date of application, an affidavit stating the date of first use along with evidence of use (such as invoices, advertisements, etc.) is required.
7. Proof of Business:
o If the applicant is a company, a certificate of incorporation.
o If the applicant is an individual, a copy of their identity proof (such as PAN card, Aadhar card, passport, etc.).
8. Board Resolution: If the applicant is a company, a board resolution authorizing the person to file the trademark application on behalf of the company.
9. Details of the Trademark Attorney/Agent: If applicable, including their registration number and contact details.
10. Fee Payment Receipt: Proof of payment of the applicable government fees for filing the trademark application/ trademark objection.
11. Additional Documents: Any other document as required by the Registrar of Trademarks.
Ensuring all these documents are complete and accurately filled out is crucial for the successful filing of a trademark application in India.